
3 Important Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables For Children who are dear to miss

3 Important Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables For Children who For both adults and children, fruits and vegetables are an important part of an ideal healthy diet. The reason, the nutritional content in it is one important factor to maintain a healthy body. In fact, the nutrients contained in fruits and vegetables are needed for the growth and development of children.
3 Important Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables For Children who are dear to miss

The benefits of eating fruits and vegetables for children

1. Increased nutrition

Children's bodies need a good nutritional intake that they can get from vegetables and fruits that contain lots of vitamins, minerals and other benefits. Acidic fruits such as strawberries are rich in vitamin C that can boost the immune system, carrots are rich in vitamin A, and spinach is a source of iron that can prevent anemia.

Apple contains 16 kinds of polyphenols that work as antioxidants that are good for health. In essence, eating various colorful fruits and vegetables can provide a variety of essential nutrients that help keep your child healthy and fit every day.

2. Reduce the risk of obesity

Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber that fills, but low in fat and calories. That's why, start asking your child to choose fruits and vegetables as a substitute for snacks that contain lots of sugar or junk food, so your child will avoid the risk of obesity or overweight. Obese children have the potential to develop various diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, depression and other chronic diseases later in life.

3. Support the achievement of the child in school

Applying a healthy diet, including plenty of fruit and vegetables can help your child perform better in school. Even research published in the Journal of School Health found that children with poor dietary qualities (less intake of vegetables and fruits) are known to tend to get poor academic grades than those who get daily fruits and vegetables intake. Children who regularly eat a healthy diet are 41 percent less likely to have difficulty reading than other children.

Indeed there are several factors that affect the achievement of children in school. However, the fulfillment of nutritional intake is the most important factor that affects achievement for the better.

Tips on adding more fruits and vegetables to your child's menu

To stay healthy and fit, your child needs a balanced menu that comes with vegetables and fruit every day. There are many interesting ways to get your kids accustomed to eating a rich diet of delicious vegetables and fruits. Here are some easy and interesting ways you can do so that your child is used to eating fruits and vegetables
  • Put pieces of banana or strawberries into the cereal
  • Add the pieces of fruit into the yogurt
  • Make a smoothie with frozen fruit
  • Bring fruits that have been cut into pieces as a child's stock
  • Try the vegetable kebab menu for a kid's dinner
  • Add pieces of mushrooms, olives, or carrots in the omelet
  • Eating fruit is better than fruits that have been juiced, because sometimes fruit juice contains up to 6 teaspoons of added sugar and does not contain good fiber.
Dried fruits like apricots, apples, and dried apples are still rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. But they also contain lots of sugar and can cause tooth decay, because usually dried fruit is often sticky and attached to the child's teeth. If you give your child dried fruit, give them in small portions, and make sure they drink a glass of water afterwards. In fact, it is better to choose fruits and vegetables packed with water or natural juice than those added with sugar or salt.

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