
10 Important Nutrition for Child Growth

10 Important Nutrition for Child Growth - Although your child is fed three times a day, not necessarily he will always be healthy. Who knows, the food dilahapnya not have enough nutrients to help grow the baby's flower. You need to pay attention to the nutritional needs for children by providing healthy food of course. But before giving a healthy intake, you'll want to get acquainted with the 10 essential nutrients for children following.
10 Important Nutrition for Child Growth

10 Nutrition for children that is important for health and growth

1. Calcium

Calcium is one of the nutrients for children that is important to get the body. Calcium helps to promote strong bones and teeth, maintains healthy muscle and nervous function, aids blood clotting, and helps the body convert food into energy. You can provide calcium in children by giving them milk, fish and cheese.

2. Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids proved to have a myriad of benefits for children. These nutrients can help the formation of cells, regulate the nervous system, facilitate the flow of blood, strengthen the immune system, and help the body in absorbing nutrients.

In addition, essential fatty acids are also needed to maintain the function of the brain that regulates the child's sense of vision. You can provide nutrition for this child through foods such as eggs, tuna and beans.

3. Iron

Iron is an element that plays a role in the production of hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying red pigment in the blood) and myoglobin (the pigment that stores oxygen in the muscle). Iron deficiency in children can cause anemia.

If your child experiences this condition, then the child will tend to feel tired, weak, and easily offended. Provide essential nutrients for this child through iron-rich foods such as meat, egg yolk, and fish.

4. Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral for the health and growth of children. Some of the benefits of magnesium for health are keeping the bones strong, making the heart rhythm stable, supporting the immune system, and helping to maintain muscle and nerve function. You can get nutrition for this child through intake like fruits (avocados and bananas), tofu, fish and vegetables.

5. Potassium

Potassium is a nutrient that is responsible for maintaining blood pressure by controlling the water balance in the body. Not only that, potassium also helps muscle function and heart rhythm, and in the long run can reduce the risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis.

Give your child banana, tomato and milk food to get enough potassium intake in his body.

6. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of the nutrients for children is well known for maintaining eye health and bone growth. In addition, this vitamin can help protect the body from infection, as well as supporting the health and growth of cells and tissues in the body, such as hair, nails, and skin. You can provide vitamin A in children through food sources such as beef, chicken livers, milk and brightly colored fruits

7. Vitamin C

In the body of vitamin C is used for the process of formation and repair of red blood cells, bones, and tissues in their bodies. Vitamin C also keeps the child's gums healthy and helps the wound healing process, boosts the immune system, prevents infection, and helps the body absorb iron from food. Parents are required to provide nutrition for this child and can be obtained through papaya, pineapple, and melon.

8. Vitamin D

Vitamin D intake is also not less important with other nutrients. This vitamin can help the body of children absorb minerals such as calcium, for the formation of teeth and strong bones, because the development of bone mass in children should be very concerned. You can provide vitamin D for children through food intake such as eggs, tofu, tempeh and meat fish.

9. Vitamin E

During childhood, vitamin E is needed to counteract free radicals that can damage cells. In addition, vitamin E also plays a role in the immune system, DNA repair, and other metabolic processes. By eating foods like spinach. grains and avocado fruit, you also provide a good intake of vitamin E for the child's body.

10. Zinc (Zinc)

Finally, zinc or zinc is a nutrient for the child that is important to be fulfilled. More than 70 enzymes in the body require zinc (zinc) to perform their respective functions in the digestive system, metabolism, and child growth. These nutrients you can find in foods such as broccoli, spinach and tomatoes.

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