
Why Baby So Sleeps Better After the Vaccine?

Why Baby So Sleeps Better After the Vaccine? - Every baby is important to get the vaccine even since they are born. Vaccination aims to stimulate the immune system that is not strong enough to be immune from illness in the future. Uniquely, many parents are aware that their babies tend to sleep better after the vaccine. I wonder why?
Why Baby So Sleeps Better After the Vaccine?

What does the vaccine contain?

Vaccines are made from viral seed disease or agents containing certain toxins or proteins, which have been attenuated or switched off.

Vaccination works to mimic the occurrence of infectious diseases caused by the seedlings. But because it has been weakened, the seeds will not cause disease in the human body. They will stimulate the immune system to react. The immune system will consider the vaccine seeds as alien beings that will attack the body. The immune system will then produce antibodies to combat the vaccine. From there, the immune system will remember the alias to form a memory of the event.

Providing a vaccine will reduce the risk of infants later in life due to their immature immature system of adults. There are now many vaccines available and some of them are required to be given to newborns, such as polio vaccines, measles, hepatitis, and more. Vaccines can be given by drops (oral) and syringes.

Although effective in preventing disease, vaccines can cause side effects such as mild fever and pain or redness at harmless syringes and may subside on their own over time.

Why do babies sleep better after vaccines?

Sleeping after the vaccine appears to be a baby's natural response to adapt to vaccination. Reported by WebMD, researcher Linda Frank, RN, PhD from the University of California, San Francisco explained that sleep is a very important activity to improve the immune response. That is, immune immune system works more leverage when he was sleeping so that the effects of vaccination can be more optimal work in the body.

A recent study shows that a vaccine given after 1:30 pm can make babies nap for up to 70 minutes longer than their duration of sleep before vaccines are given.

In addition, restful sleep after the vaccine may also be affected by anxious and exhausted babies due to fever pain from injection or after taking paracetamol fever-lowering drugs. Paracetamol is usually given twice, ie 30 minutes before the vaccine and 4 hours later after the vaccine. Reporting from Pediatrics, paracetamol drugs work to lower the temperature of the baby's body is feverish so as to provide opportunities for children to sleep longer.

Not only that. Apparently there is a link between the timing of the vaccine, the child's body temperature, and the provision of paracetamol with a restful sleep. Baby's body temperature keeps increasing from morning until noon, and afterwards it will come back down to stimulate the production of the hormone melatonin which makes it sleepy and finally sleep.

The above study found that administering the vaccine during the day (after 13:30) when the temperature of the baby is down and coupled with the administration of paracetamol that affects the baby's body temperature is most likely to be the cause of why babies sleep better after the vaccine.

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